Crain Hyundai of Fort Smith

Aug 18, 2023
Rear profile view of a gray 2023 Hyundai Sonata. | Hyundai dealer in Fort Smith, AR | Crain Hyundai of Fort Smith

A vital component in your vehicle’s engine system is the spark plug, and detecting early signs that your Hyundai needs new spark plugs can enhance performance, save you on fuel consumption, and prevent more serious problems down the road. Talk to a Hyundai dealer if you notice any of the following signs.

Decreased Fuel Efficiency

One of the first telltale signs that your Hyundai might require new plugs is a decrease in fuel efficiency. These plugs play an instrumental role in combusting the fuel in your engine, so if they are malfunctioning, your car may consume more fuel than necessary. If you notice you’re visiting the gas station more frequently, it’s time to consider having your plugs checked.

Difficulty Starting the Vehicle

These plugs are key to starting your Hyundai. They ignite the air-fuel mixture in the engine’s combustion chamber, enabling your vehicle to start. If your Hyundai struggles to start, or you’re experiencing more instances of your car failing to turn over, it may be a sign that your plugs need replacement.

Poor Acceleration and Rough Idling

The state of your plugs can impact your Hyundai’s overall performance. If you’re experiencing sluggish acceleration or your vehicle seems less responsive when you hit the gas pedal, it may be due to worn plugs. Additionally, a rough idle – where your Hyundai feels shaky and produces a loud, irregular noise while stationary – can also point to spark plug issues.

Misfires and Engine Surges

Finally, engine misfires or surges are significant indicators of spark plug failure. If your engine is not running smoothly or if it surges and falls repeatedly, it can be due to malfunctioning plugs. This erratic operation can lead to larger issues if not addressed promptly.

How a Spark Plug Works

A spark plug sends an electrical signal sent from the ignition coil, creating a spark that ignites the air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber. This is what powers your engine and propels your vehicle forward. The electrodes on a spark plug are subjected to extreme conditions, and over time, they wear out. This deterioration is what leads to many of the symptoms previously described, such as decreased fuel efficiency, difficulty starting, poor acceleration, rough idling, and engine misfires or surges.

At Crain Hyundai of Fort Smith, we understand the importance of proactive maintenance, and our team of experienced technicians is ready to help. If you suspect your Hyundai needs new plugs, don’t wait until your vehicle’s performance suffers. Reach out to Crain Hyundai of Fort Smith today and let’s ensure your Hyundai continues to deliver the performance and efficiency you’ve come to expect.