Crain Hyundai of Fort Smith

Oct 14, 2022

Close view of the grille area of a red 2020 Hyundai Accent. | Hyundai dealer for Fort Smith, AR.All vehicle owners use a catalytic converter each time they operate their engines. This vital component to the fuel system makes it safe for people to breathe around your operating vehicle and assists in protecting the environment. If you suspect your converter may be in need of an upgrade, check this list out before you drop by your Hyundai dealer for a replacement.

1. Having Trouble Accelerating

Since the purpose of converters is to intake toxic exhaust gases and transform them into less dangerous forms, the device contains a filtering layer of mesh within itself. The metal film inside can become clogged from things like age or using an excessively rich fuel-to-air mixture, which causes the airflow to become blocked in your fuel system.

Without proper air passage, the engine will be unable to utilize all of the fuel that sprays when you press on the gas, resulting in trouble accelerating. This will become especially apparent when merging onto the highway or overtaking lanes, as you’ll notice a delay between applying pressure on the pedal and a response from the engine.

2. The Engine Light Has Turned On

Your fuel system is equipped with sensors at the exhaust to allow for the best calculation of air and fuel to combine, and when that ratio is skewed by a clogged converter the sensor will return an error code. On top of causing a light on your dash, this issue also impacts your fuel usage. Calculations are predetermined to include the use of a converter, so having the piece damaged or absent will throw off that mixture.

3. Loud Noises and Unpleasant Smells

In the event you’ve lost your converter entirely, the sound of your engine can become almost deafening. The uncomfortable volume of the vehicle can also be accompanied by the scent of rotting eggs out of your tailpipe. This is because fuel contains sulfur molecules that would normally be broken down in combustion or trapped by the metal filter, but if it is clogged or absent, unused fuel may be emitted out of the exhaust.

If the sound is more of a rattling than a roar, this may indicate that the film within the catalytic has broken loose. This can happen when the converter has aged and built-up deposits on the film, causing the outer edges to wear away and snap off. The noise in this scenario will come from beneath the vehicle and will be especially noticeable as you turn the engine over.

Keeping the air in our cities safe to breathe is important for everyone. Having your converter clean and updated not only protects the environment but also allows you to gain improved fuel economy and better horsepower. Visit Crain Hyundai of Fort Smith today to upgrade your equipment and get the most out of your fuel system.


Image via Hyundai.