Crain Hyundai of Fort Smith

Jan 2, 2024
New Year's Resolutions for Drivers at Crain Hyundai of Fort Smith

Having a hard time coming up with a New Year’s resolution? You hear everyone talking about them, and it’s giving you anxiety because you can’t think of one you’d like to take on. That’s ok! Don’t stress about coming up with a New Year’s resolution. Just make it simple enough that you can tackle it. Remember, you have all year to work on it.

We’ve been thinking about resolutions, too, and we thought we might offer up some suggestions to add to your list. Since we want to make sure our customers have the best driving experience possible with their Hyundai, how about some driving-related resolutions? Crain Hyundai of Fort Smith has some simple ideas to help you achieve those driving goals.

Find Your New Ride for the New Year at Crain Hyundai of Fort Smith

One of the reasons most accidents happen is because someone isn’t paying attention. Since we’re all attached at the hip to our phones, we end up paying more attention to it than what’s going on in front of us. We want to make sure you stay safe in your Tucson and add being present and alert while driving to your list of resolutions.

The best way to not be distracted by your phone is not to have it. Why we all know it’s important to carry with us, we don’t need it while driving. With hands-free calling and GPS available through smartphone apps, there’s no need to be on your phone. Put it in the glove box or console away from you so you aren’t tempted to watch that funny video. If you do reach for it, you’ll be reminded of your no-distraction-while-driving resolution and, hopefully, leave it be.

We understand that everyone is busy, and most of us do work on our phones. However, the car is not the boardroom, so we need to rethink how we spend our time driving. Take care of what needs to be done before you get into your Kona. We often use the drive time to finish any number of tasks. No wonder there are so many wrecks due to distractions while driving. Keep your resolution in check, and for once, don’t multitask.

Finding time for yourself is difficult and might be one of your resolutions. You can conquer both resolutions by using your device-free driving as a time to process the day ahead. If you’ve had a bad day, use the drive home to decompress by listening to your favorite music or what you’re going to watch on Netflix. At home, though. Not in your Hyundai Santa Cruz.

Hyundai Car Care Express Keeps Your Hyundai Running—Learn More!

If you need help with your New Year’s resolutions, just contact us as we’d be more than happy to help. If you’re looking to reduce screen time while driving, we can share even more best practices. Just stop by, and we’ll walk you through all the incredible features on your Hyundai that can support your resolution goals. 

Join us at Crain Hyundai of Fort Smith today for a test drive and discover how our vehicles can aid in making your resolutions a reality. Find us at 3600 South Zero Street. 

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